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Doxing: Fury or Fright?

Doxing has serious consequences for the victims. In his presentation on 5 June 2024, Jason Thatcher introduces his study, in which he examines doxing and its impact on victims' civic participation.

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Die Arbeit hinter KI

Im Interview mit Milagros Miceli sprachen wir über die prekären Bedingungen von Datenarbeiter:innen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Technologie.

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Anmeldung: Weizenbaum Conference

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Evaluation des Wissenschaftsrates

Hervorragende und hochrelevante Forschung, ein einzigartiger Ansatz und eine beeindruckende Entwicklung. Wissenschaftsrat sieht das Weizenbaum-Institut auf dem Weg zu internationaler Strahlkraft.

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Die Forschungsschwerpunkte


23.05.2024 - 24.05.2024

Weizenbaum-Institut, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin


Expertise in digitaler Transformation

Tagung der Forschungsgruppe „Reorganisation von Wissenspraktiken“ in Kooperation mit der DGS-Sektion „Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung“.


17:30 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr | Weizenbaum-Institut, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin

Distinguished Lecture

Fury or Fright? Doxing and its Effects on Victims’ Civic Participation

Doxing is the malicious disclosure of personal information to influence societal and political discourses. This has serious consequences for the victims. Since there are few studies on the perspective of the victims, Jason Thatcher presents his study, which takes this perspective into account.


13:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr | Flexroom (A1 04)


Thursday Lunch Series

Let‘s talk about politics

Transfer and dialog are central components of knowledge transfer at the Weizenbaum Institute. This involves an exchange with the public and civil society, and above all with politicians. What exactly does political dialog mean and how does it work?

17.06.2024 - 18.06.2024

Silent Green Kulturquartier in Berlin

Weizenbaum Conference

Weizenbaum Conference 2024: Uncertain journeys into digital futures

The Weizenbaum Institute is organizing its sixth Annual Conference: “Uncertain journeys into digital futures: Inter- and transdisciplinary research for mitigating wicked societal and environmental problems”. The conference will take place at Silent Green Kulturquartier in Berlin from 17 to 18 June…

08.07.2024 - 10.07.2024

Day 1 starts at 10:30, day 3 ends at 11:00


Doctoral Researchers Retreat 2024

The Research Retreat has been part of the Institute’s programme since the outset. It takes place once a year over a period of three to five days providing a space for researchers to work on theses or other collaborative projects without outside distraction.


13:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr | online



Analyzing Digital Trace Data using Process Mining with Jan Mendling

In this QPD Tutorial, we will discuss the essentials of analyzing digital trace data using process mining.

23.09.2024 - 26.09.2024

Berlin, detailed information on location and schedule will follow soon


PhD Summer School 2024: Gender, AI and Inclusive Work

The summer school is a joint project between the Weizenbaum Institute and FES Future of Work and takes place annually. The number of places is limited to a maximum of 16 PhD students from Social Science or related disciplines. The selection of participants is based on peer review and the excellence…

14.10.2024 - 15.10.2024

CAIS, Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2a, 44801 Bochum


DigiSem: Digital Freedom – Autonomy, Wellbeing and Participation

The Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt), the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), the Leibniz Institute for Media Research – Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) and the Weizenbaum Institute (WI) invite doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to present their work at the joint…

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